Covid-19 Protection Prevention Plan

Dear Fisherman’s Choice Charters Guests…

The goal of this plan is to keep clients, guides and the communities 
that support Fisherman's Choice Charters, safe and healthy, 
and to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 virus during 
the course of normal business operations.
Fisherman's Choice Charters relies on the Alaska Health Mandates 
and Health Alerts, as well as guidance by the State of Alaska, 
U.S. Center for Disease Control and the U.S. Coast Guard 
in establishing procedures intended to keep you safe while fishing with us.  

Fisherman's Choice Charters will also be sanitizing our boats and fishing gear, after each charter, 
to help fight against the COVID-19 virus exposure and spread.
Our guides are Alaska residents and have NOT flown in from another state to work.
We also ask that you review the following Guidelines
from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.  

⦁    Please plan ahead for your trip. Shopping for food, beverages, gear, or other items should be done in one outing to limit the opportunity to spread COVID-19 between communities and people.
⦁    Bring your own PPE; hand sanitizer, wipes, gloves, mask, etc.
-If a face-mask cannot be obtained, one will be provided to each guest needing them.
-Also we will have hand sanitizer and hand soap for our guests should they not be able to bring their own.
⦁    We follow CDC & Life Jacket Association guidelines for sanitizing our life vests however, please feel free to bring your own US Coast Guard Approved personal flotation device in good repair.

We can’t always maintain social distance while fishing,
but we can take other steps while on board:

⦁    Always wear your face-mask and gloves while on board.
⦁    Don’t share your food, beverages, or clothes with people outside of your household.
⦁    Pack single-serving foods and beverages. We discourage sharing foods or beverages from a container (e.g., bag of chips, jerky, shared water bottle, etc.).
⦁    Stay in assigned locations on the deck and limit moving around unnecessarily.
⦁    We will be sanitizing the boat and our gear after each charter.
(So if you have to wait and we do not leave as scheduled, this is why. You will get your full charter time.)
⦁    If you pack it in, pack it out!
(Please help keep our crew safe by putting your trash in a bag or cooler after your trip.)
⦁    We will fillet your fish and put them in plastic bags at the end of the trip.
⦁    Bring your own carrier for food and to transport your catch home or to a processor. 

If we abide by these guide lines, we should be able to combat this virus and win. This way we hopefully will not have to take such drastic measures on your next fishing trip with Fisherman's Choice Charters.
Thank You,
Ray & Terri
Fisherman's Choice Charters