Award winning fishing charter
We start fishing Alaska’s Knik River or Little Susitna River, pending Alaska Department of fish & game regulations, in Mid-May for Alaskan King Salmon. Alaska’s Little Susitna River is a 90 minute drive north of Anchorage, or 45 minutes from Wasilla. It’s a wonderfully scenic drive.
The boat access to the lower end of the Little Susitna River at Burma Landing, the public boat launch, is easily road accessible. To get there one must travel about 17 miles from Wasilla on Kink-Goose Bay Road, then turn right on Pt. MacKenzie Road and follow the small blue boat launch signs at each intersection.
An escapement of 796 for Alaska Chinook Salmon (King Salmon), 3,726 Alaska Silver Salmon (Coho Salmon), and 7,777 Alaska Pink Salmon passed through the weir on the Little Susitna River, across the inlet from Anchorage, Alaska. The Chum Salmon (Dog Salmon) run count was at 19,110 for 2023. The Alaska Sockeye Salmon run on the Little Susitna River just north of Wasilla, Alaska, was at 1,272 fish thanks to the poor management of the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Alaska Fish and Game counted Alaska Salmon on the Matanuska-Susitna Valley’s (Mat-Su Valley’s) Little Susitna River, from May 20 through August 26, 2023.
As for the Alaska Salmon runs in the 2024 fishing season, they’re predicting a poor year of Alaska King Salmon, a good/great year of Alaska Silver Salmon and Alaska Sockeye Salmon. We are hopeful for a decent fishing season for the Alaska Salmon Fishing Industry!